Clock Talk is a Control Panel that enables your Macintosh to tell you what time it is. You can instruct Clock Talk to use speech, a system sound file, or both. You can arrange for these settings at quarter hour intervals. You select the sound and voice you like. Clock Talk ships with additional sound files that can be used for clock chimes, or as standard alert sounds. Clock Talk can also speak the time to you whenever you press the user-defined hot key.
Clock Talk is Shareware. If after using the product for one week, you decide you would like to continue using it, please honor the Shareware agreement and pay your Shareware fee. You Shareware fee will not only make updates to this product possible, but will also enable future products.
Registering Clock Talk
We have made every attempt to make registering your product as easy as possible. We realize that in the past, paying for Shareware was not always easy, especially if you are located outside the U.S. (having to deal with International Money Orders or having to exchange currency).
We have selected a payment service that handles all these issues for you. You simply launch the "Register" application that accompanied this product, and complete the online instructions. You are given a choice of payment methods which include check, money order, credit card, First Virtual, E-Cash, and a variety of currencies. Orders may be sumitted by E-Mail, postal mail or FAX (depending on your payment method).
Registration Codes
If your product requires a registraion code, the code will be sent to you upon confirmation of your payment. Our payment center is authorized to hand out registration codes for us, and an automated acknolegement letter will be sent to you which includes the registration code.
Once you receive the registration code, open up the Clock Talk Control Panel and click on the Key icon button next to the "On" and "Off" buttons in the upper-right of the dialog. In the dialog box that appears, enter both the "Registered To" and the "Registraion Code" exactly as they were given to you. You must enter both for the validation process.
NOTE: The "Registration Code" will never contain any 0 (zero) characters. Any such characters are always an alpha character (not numeric).